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May 26, 2020

In this podcast I share with you the 3 Step process for business success and growth.  Looking at your customer of today are they the customer you want or has this time in ISO provided you the opportunity to review your services, products and the customer you love to serve?

Appeal to your ideal customer first, gain...

May 19, 2020

In this podcast I interview Chris Miller a former QLD police officer who has also worked as an emergency and crisis manager, planning for and dealing with many disasters including floods, terrorist bombings and a tsunami. Most relevant to the current challenges of COVID-19/SARS-CoV2/Coronavirus, she continues to work as...

May 12, 2020


We have seen from the first relaxation of the isolation rules that people are “bursting” out of their homes. Crowd control and the health and safety of your customers and team needs to be planned in advance, no use waiting to see “what happens”. 

 In this episode I share with you tips and strategies on...

May 6, 2020

As business owners / managers we can learn a lot from the world of espionage, working undercover allows you the opportunity to pay attention to the information, systems and processes, team engagement and even advantage over competitors.

Find out in this episode how going undercover can result in your business success.

May 5, 2020

This week Kerri Salis and her podcast 3X Value Growth interview me for a change on How to lead a Multi-generational team – ensuring they turn up for work tomorrow. What we’re looking for is a team leader who goes, ‘Okay, I’m actually going to be vulnerable in the workplace. I’m going to show the actions...